Hey Everyone! I'm SUPER excited for this weeks Teacher Tips Tuesday!! Jessica Tobin is guest blogging today from Second Grade Nest! Please make sure you stop by her totally cute blog and give her some bloggy love :) Also, read all the way to the bottom to learn more about her!!
My Guided Reading
have taught Kindergarten for three years and am headed to the 2nd
Grade to start teaching an older set. I got to a point in Kindergarten I could
NOT teach reading without doing Guided Reading. I felt if I tried it any other
way, the kids just weren’t getting all the opportunities they could when in
small group.
A sample of what my morning block would look like:
Reading Group 1- Working with teacher (leveled readers and sight word work)
Reading Group 2- Working with assistant writing in journals
Reading Group 3- Word Work 1
Reading Group 4- Word Work 2
Reading Group 5- Word Work 3
FREEBIE to help track your progress with each group- this is necessary to
prevent mixing lessons and brains frying…
Group 1: Leveled Readers and Sight Word Work:
reading from a basal is often tough. Teaching Kindergarten for 3 years it was
almost impossible to nail down an “average” reading level for my little ones. I
had students reading three words and I had students reading three pages, so I
started using Reading A-Z!
cost is rather pricey, but our school purchased ours for us after special
request. Individual use is $90, but if more than 10 teachers are buying, the
price lowers to $75.
give you leveled readers that range from aa-Z.
sample of a:
A sample of Z:
created Running Records for each of the stories I used every week for every
group (5 Running Records a week!), but I was very satisfied with the success I
saw with my Reading Groups. All students’ progress was tracked and noted and
even my lowest group was reading some B/C leveled books!
my group was the group that had Sight Word drill once or twice a week. I follow
the Fry Sight Word list and let students work their way through it as they
mastered. I did not put a limit on where my kids ended up. One of my high
reading levels girls (no joke) ended up on the fifth hundred words by March!!
used this as my Assessment/Flashcard set for the kids:
Click to see this flashcard set! |
they could read all 100 words from each list, they bumped to the next list!
Group 2: Daily Journal Writing
our Kindergarten team, each teacher uses Starfall Reading Curriculum, which is
a fantastic curriculum if anyone is searching! We would prompt the students
with writing prompts that went along with the readings for the week out of
Starfall. The students always had to self-check themselves.
click to go to starfall |
Group 3- Group 5:
variations of games such as…
Letter Matching
Beginning/Middle/Ending letters
Write the Room
Making Words
Word Family games
Rhyming Games
And more!
hope you enjoyed a short and sweet guide to the way I did my Guided Reading for
my Kinders!
My name: Jessica Tobin
The years I have been teaching: 4
The grade(s) I have taught: 3 years in
Kindergarten, now moving up to Second Grade for my 4th year
The state/area that I teach in: Kentucky
My email address: jessica.l.tobin@gmail.com
Wow!! Those were some AMAZING tips Jessica!! Please leave her some comments and remember to check out her blog {Second Grade Nest}!