Friday, June 28, 2013

Five for Friday

It's Friday again... wait what?  IT'S FRIDAY AGAIN??  Yikes! I need to s l o w the summer down!
Linking up again with Doodle Bugs!

Here are some things going on!!

1.  Blog Hop

WOW- I am so pleased with the huge number of you who linked up to the blog hop!!  If you are just hearing about this and want to learn more about Bloglovin' and/or want to link up and find blogs to follow on Bloglovin' click HERE!  Thanks everyone who is now following!!  Love you guys!

**UPDATE!  Daily Bloglovin' Winners so far:
Day 1- Emily Wells
Day 2- Miss L
Day 3- Corinna {Teaching Fablous Firsties and Second Grade Smarties} 
Day 4- Elyse
Day 5- Mercedes

I'm still waiting to hear back from the Day 3 winner!

2.  I {heart} Michaels

I think I have a secret obsession for chevron! I'm planning out my Monday Made it projects as we speak! :)

3.  Knock Knock!
Look who ended up at my back door...
Yes, he is as big as he looks!!  I was told he was an alligator snapping turtle!  We live about 20 feet from a creek and he must live back there somewhere.  Why he landed on my doormat?... beats me!!
Here he is walking away... it's pretty cool!

(to see other crazy happenings like this in my life, follow me in INSTAGRAM :)

4.  Giveaway/FREEBIE
Don't forget that I have a giveaway going on right now if you follow me at Bloglovin'.  To enter, click HERE

Also, I have a freebie for fans only at my Facebook page.  To get there click HERE.
Don't forget to click on the purple box that says, "Free stuff for fans."
(those Facebook fans seriously get ALL kinds of free stuff!!)

5. Product!!
So just a few days ago I finished my First Grade version of my Math Vocabulary Pack!  It is completely aligned to common core and grouped by standard.  Take a peek:

click pic to see

I also have this version in second grade too!

click pick to see

I am currently working on GRADE 3 now and should have it done by early next week.

If you are interested in one of these (Grade 1, 2, OR 3) leave your name, email, and grade preference below)  I will pick TWO winners on Sunday night!!

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Bloglovin' Blog Hop Linky- continues!

Holy Guacamole!
I'm LOVIN' all the new followers on Bloglovin'!!  Thanks so much to all the bloggers who took the time to link up!  And I hope you were able to find some new blogs to follow too!

If you are just finding me, you can see a HUGE Bloglovin' tutorial HERE.

I decided to create a new post because frankly  the other one was getting out of control!  The link -up is still below. :)  Feel free to continue to add your Bloglovin' page!  (to read more about it click HERE)

Just some reminders...
You could win....

AND I'm picking a winner ... DAILY!!  Yesterday's winner was...


All you have to do is follow me on Bloglovin!!
Click below to get there...
AND then leave a comment below saying you are a follower!  Leave your email too!  If you already did this on yesterday's post, you don't have to do it again.  I will combine all names from yesterday with any that are added below!

Also, I have added a new FREEBIE to my Facebook page!

To get this you need to click on the purple box (Free stuff for Fans) that you see here:

To go to Facebook, click HERE!
(ps.. I'm doing a flash freebie later today!!)

Finally, to check out another FAB linky- click on the link below:

Find new blogs to follow through Bloglovin'!  If you link up, please take a minute to look for new blogs to follow!!  Let's spread the Bloglovin' love! :)  **REMEMBER add the URL of your BLOGLOVIN' page NOT your blog.  THANKS!!

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Bloglovin' Blog Hop! {linky party!}

I'm sure you are VERY aware by now that the beloved Google Reader will be no longer on July 1.  Google says it is because there has been a decline in people using the reader and they want to put their money into other projects-- well boo on them.

All that time that we STARE at that follower count (you do it too just admit it!)...

So that leaves the readers of the world left scrambling to find another option.

If you are Bloglovin' savvy, then scroll all the way down to this picture:

Here are some easy steps to help you get started:

Signing up is easy peasy!

It will ask you how you want to sign up- oh and yes you can import ALL your blogs from Google reader!!

Just a few clicks or go directly to the site listed at the top to import all your Google reader blogs... I had 300(!)- this took about 5 minutes to load.

You can also search for blogs by name.

You can change the settings to your liking.

You can create new groups and sort your blogs into the categories...

That little heart takes you to your settings as well as a "Bloglovin Button" you can add to your blog (button choices shown on slide)

At the very top right hand side of my blog you will see two ways to follow me... a bigger one with a plus (+) sign or the little pink follower count.  It will take you to a screen that looks like this:
If you are already following, it will tell you so and be a gray color.  If not it will say "follow" and it will be a blue color.

In your settings, you can change how often you are emailed with updated posts.  You can also be notified by email when new followers add you to Bloglovin (this has been fun for a few days but I'm sure I will turn that off eventually).

So, I would love for you to join the Bloglovin' fun with... a linky-blog-hop-thingy!

If you are a blogger...
Just add the link to your BLOGLOVIN' account (not to your blog- see mine below) using the linky tool.  It would be helpful if you create a blog post about this "hop" and link your followers here to follow other blogs- let's help each other out! Use the button above to put in your post.
(I am also creating an incentive for my readers- see below)

If you are a blog reader...
I am so glad you are here!  You can find new blogs to follow on Bloglovin' by clicking on the buttons below.  
IF you follow my blog through Bloglovin' (see how to above) I will be giving away my newly updated Back to School pack AND $10 to spend in my store DAILY to Bloglovin' followers!!!

This means that I will pick a name every day to win the above  and all you have to do is follow me through Bloglovin!  You will need to leave a comment below telling me you are a follower, new or already signed up (with your email).  I will pick from the people who leave a comment (once you leave your name you have a chance to win every day!! 
(please be honest and follow)
This giveaway will end July 1st.

PS.... Brand new FREEBIE posted to my Facebook page!!  Just click on the purple box that says "Free stuff for Fans"

****Make sure you go to the Blog that you follow to check it out!  Do this by clicking the latest post on your Bloglovin' screen OR look for their link up post:
This will take you to their blog and they may have a fun incentive for you too! (or some really great ideas of course!)

Thanks for reading and linking up!

Find new blogs to follow through Bloglovin'!  If you link up, please take a minute to look for new blogs to follow!!  Let's spread the Bloglovin' love! :)  **REMEMBER add the URL of your BLOGLOVIN' page NOT your blog.  THANKS!!

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Friday, June 21, 2013

Five for Friday! {giveaway}

Hi Everyone!  It's that time again... Five for Friday!

1.  Cool Apps!

Did you see the 50 Fab Apps for Teachers from Scholastic??

There were many I knew of and some I didn't!

The pic below shows my son using a cool handwriting app that I found called Start Dot
He is NOT into handwriting and this one really captured his attention!

2. My Purchases so far...

I totally need a second job just to keep up with all the shopping I do over the summer! The sad part?  Most of the shopping is for the next school year!!

Here are some things I've bought so far...
Ok, so I jumped on the Erin Condren bandwagon... and I have to say that I am NOT sad about this!!  This thing is a teacher's dream! I carry this thing around like it's my blankie... now that is SAD!  Yes, its pretty costly... buuuuut... I have to say it's worth every penny!
And it's sooo pretty!  If you are interested... I can do a review of it and show you more.  Just let me know!

Oh my goodness... Dollar Spot you are my HERO!  Just look at these adorable book boxes!! I did have to travel to 3 different Targets to hunt these bad boys down but now I have 24.  I'm in looove!

I am a sucker for a good teacher read.  I saw this title floating around the blogosphere and I just had to get it.  I haven't started yet but I will definitely share my take when I get reading.

3.  New Product

I'm loving this new Math Vocab Pack!!

The plan is to make first AND third grade in a similar manner!
***I'm giving one of these away right NOW!! Leave your email in a comment and I will chose a winner tomorrow (Saturday!)***

4. Fan Freebies!
Did you know there is a FREE product on my Facebook page?  Well, there is!!

When you go to my Facebook page and you click on that bright purple box that says "FREE STUFF for FANS," it will take you to a product that I sell on TpT.  IF you like the page, you get the product for FREE! Pretty sweet huh?  I plan to update it as often as I can so hurry on over!


I plan to put together a big post on this very soon (plus a fun blog hop!!).  But in the mean time... make sure you follow me this way (cuz google reader is going away!).
You can find my button at the very top of the right sidebar.  It looks like this:
Just click on that pink tab.  It is very easy to use and it is VERY easy to add my blog to your Bloglovin account.

Anyone a Bachelorette fan?  Watching the show now?  Recognize that guy? hehe... well it's Mikey!  He was having lunch at the same time as I was and I snapped this pic of him- without trying to look too creepy!  He lives in a town close to my hometown.  It was too funny!

Thanks for reading friends!
p.s... don't forget to enter my giveaway...

Monday, June 17, 2013

800 Follower GIVEAWAY!!

Am I dreaming?  Is it for real?  Could that number really say 800??
I remember when I hit 100 last summer and thinking I was the BIG TIME :)

Well look at me now! Hehehe...

I am also celebrating
600(+) on TpT
300 on Facebook
and almost 300 on Instagram! :)

I am thankful for all of you who take the time to stop by and read.  I love all the nice comments I get (and I read every single one!).  I am thrilled to have you along on this bloggy journey!

So I present to you....

The following prizes are from AMAZING people!!  I am so thankful for their generosity.  I admire them all and I am so honored they were willing to donate to this little giveaway!
Please see the links below the pics to help you follow these amazing people!!
**Updated 6/18 with an additional prize!**   


AND... because I always have some goodies up my sleeve....

Ohhh... I want to win!

AND everything in my TpT store will be 20% off! Yippee!

Giveaway ends 6/23!
Good luck!
(oh and please be honest!)

a Rafflecopter giveaway