Have you been on this website yet? If you haven't you need to check it out! I found it last summer as a suggestion on Proteacher. I am so glad I went on...I've been hooked ever since!
I mainly use it for our daily morning work. But I have to tell you... I find something AmAAzing every time I go on. I thought our morning work was great last year. Then I went back on this past summer and found something even better!
Here's a sample of something that I use for morning work:
I am pretty particular with the things that I do as worksheets. I often make my own because I am not happy with what I find. That is not the case with so many things on this site. The site is run by a TEACHER (and no she is not paying me to plug her site!! :) and she is changing many things (like this sheet above) to align with the new Common Core. And the best part~ there is every subject and every component of the subject you can thing of! It's so jam packed that it will take you months to go through it all. The only downfall is you will be buying a lot of ink to print all the great stuff. Oh, and there is a yearly fee. I believe $27 but I have to tell you (as someone who just renewed for the second year) it is worth every.single.penny! :)
I am excited to announce that this is my ONE HUNDREDTH POST!!! Really? 100? Wow, how did that even happen?? So.. in honor of that milestone... first...
I'm having a sale! 20% off!

Also, If you do purchase something today or tomorrow... send me an email telling me what product you purchased.. you will get another product of your choosing FOR FREE! And if you buy 2 you will get TWO MORE FOR FREE!! And so on.. :)
Don't miss out on that amazingness!
Finally... make sure you stop by my store and find the product that just happens to be marked FREE until Sunday!! (usually $3.00!)
Happy Weekend Friends!
I mainly use it for our daily morning work. But I have to tell you... I find something AmAAzing every time I go on. I thought our morning work was great last year. Then I went back on this past summer and found something even better!
Here's a sample of something that I use for morning work:
I am pretty particular with the things that I do as worksheets. I often make my own because I am not happy with what I find. That is not the case with so many things on this site. The site is run by a TEACHER (and no she is not paying me to plug her site!! :) and she is changing many things (like this sheet above) to align with the new Common Core. And the best part~ there is every subject and every component of the subject you can thing of! It's so jam packed that it will take you months to go through it all. The only downfall is you will be buying a lot of ink to print all the great stuff. Oh, and there is a yearly fee. I believe $27 but I have to tell you (as someone who just renewed for the second year) it is worth every.single.penny! :)
I am excited to announce that this is my ONE HUNDREDTH POST!!! Really? 100? Wow, how did that even happen?? So.. in honor of that milestone... first...
I'm having a sale! 20% off!

Also, If you do purchase something today or tomorrow... send me an email telling me what product you purchased.. you will get another product of your choosing FOR FREE! And if you buy 2 you will get TWO MORE FOR FREE!! And so on.. :)
Don't miss out on that amazingness!
Finally... make sure you stop by my store and find the product that just happens to be marked FREE until Sunday!! (usually $3.00!)
Happy Weekend Friends!